QS Quips – January 2002   (1) J  A  N  U  A  R  Y     2  0  0  2   President: Jan Jeffers Vice President: Judy Etheridge Secretary: Linda Cowles Treasurer: Kathy Miller Board Member: Steve Lenheim Board Member: Pat McKendry Board Member: Marilyn Orlando Board Member: Trilby Pederson Published by the Quicksilver Endurance Riders, Inc. P.O. Box 71 New Almaden, CA 95042 Kathy Mayeda, Editor  (650) 967-2050, e-mail: qser- quips@att.net Kay Allison, Distribution Coordinator Mike Maul, Chief Mover and Shaker W o r d   f r o m   t h e   P r e s i d e n t  The club put on a wonderful Christmas party at the Santa Clara County Horseman’s with all the trimmings.   Trilby did a great job of organizing, cooking and decorating tables.  The gift exchange was a big hit as usual.  I was able to procure the infamous “sheath cleaner” (which I understand is good for scratches!) and traded it for a fringed “Trilby” pillow. Great plans for the club are in the planning stages!  We have a January program involving sharing what we as riders like in the way of saddles and saddle packs.  Judy Etheridge is planning a spring endurance clinic.  Let the BOD know if you have a special program you would like presented. We will put on two endurance rides this year, one the third weekend of May and the other the weekend of October 19th.  We can use your help to make these rides successful.  Plan to ride one and help on the other.   OUr fall ride last year at Coe Park, chaired by Steve Lenheim, was a great success.  The trail was beautiful, the food great, and we had a very interesting “drag rider” to say the least. Our awards banquet will be held in February at Harry’s Hofbrau.  Maryben is busy rounding up awards so make sure you get your points in to her so you will be eligible for an award.  We see more of our members at this function than any other, so plan to be there! We are fortunate to have four National/Regional AERC board members if our club: Becky Hart, Jan Jeffers, Mike Maul and Maryben Stover.   Let them know your thoughts throughout the year. Happy New Year to all!! Jan Jeffers President