A change in administration---a
new president takes over.
Welcome to the front
page, Diane.
President's Message, January, 2001
Hi there!
Well, my first thought upon realizing that my secretaries duties were about to end was "right on" no more minutes. My very next thought was "Good Lord", I have a President's message to write! Definitely, it's out of the frying pan and into the fire!!!
So, if you were not at the Christmas Party on Wednesday evening you missed out on a great time with wonderful people, really yummy food (sure passed my taste test with A +++), beautiful decorations and terrific gifts around which thievery ran rampant.
Somewhere between all that food and all those gifts, we managed to hold the briefest meeting in history. A motion was made and seconded to give $2,500 to Maryben so she can do her usual great job with our Awards Banquet.
Our January meeting
will be held at Trilby's place. This is always a fun experience.
come and join us.
'til next time, Diane
January 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
January 6 Warner Hot Springs 25/50
Terry Wooley Howe 619-445-5443
at Trilby Pederson’s home 408-997-7500
January 20 Fire Mountain 30/50
Mike Benson 76-371-3285
January 27 SHINE & SHINE ONLY I 25/50
Becky Hart 408-997-0814
Trilby Pederson, Quicksilver's Treasurer reports---
INCOME: $ 5,740.00
December 2000
The following Quicksilver members have cleverly rejoined the Club before the annual dues are increased from $20 to $25 per single membership and $30 to $35.00 for a family. You still have time to beat the deadline of ”post-marked by December 31st”. See your December Newsletter for a membership form, There was a stamped addressed envelope attached for your convenience. Or just send Maryben your check at 1299 Sandra Drive, San Jose, CA 95125. Use the money you save to buy carrots for your horse for Christmas.
Vivian Beebe and Stephanie
Jackie Davidson Cheryl Domnitch
Ernie and Nancy Elliot Judy Etheridge
Rick and Joyce Gomez
Nira and Roxanne Jennifer Kurtzall and Michael
Helen Harvey Jennifer Layman
Pete & Joann Le Mond Mike Maul
Mike Tracy
Steve Lenheim
Lori Oleson
Marilyn Orlando
Lud & Barbara
Pat and Jay McKendry Bill and Sandie Parker
Trilby Pederson Dawn Perrine Robert & Melissa Ribley
Scott Sansom Keith Scott and Jeri Ayers-Scot Steve and Michele Shaw
Maryben Stover Bob and Julie Suhr Tom Stutzman
Georgina Wallbridge John and Darlene Wilcock.
Michael and Kirsten Berntsen Joyce and Marvin Snowbarger
Mark and Traci Falcone Hugh and Gloria Vanderford Karla Perkins
Peter and Nancy Twight, Stephany Ashley DOM FREEMAN
Remember the December
Quicksilver Quips issued all those deadlines that if you didn't meet by
a certain date would result in undercounted dimpled chads or some other
really dire consequence? Well, by the time you get this, it is already
too late to nominate someone for the Eleanor Norton Award, the Rider Hall
of Fame, the Horse Hall of Fame or the Horse of the Year. They were
all due by the 15th of December. BUT, there is still time for you
to send in your completed ride record for the 2000 ride year to Maryben
and, if you do, you will be eligible for great awards at our annual Banquet.
Then, you can still renew your QUiCKSILVER membership at a reduced rate.
And it is not too late to get your picture in the 2000 Yearbook/Calendar
that Steve Lenheim is putting together. These are all due by December
31st so you still have time. Check your December Quips for details.
by Maryben
The annual Quicksilver bash was a great party and a huge amount of food and good cheer. There were about 50 members and guests. I had some calls today from members saying they all had a great time. We voted on the budget for the awards banquet and then just partied and ate.
There were old friends and new. It was great seeing Hugh and Gloria, all the way from Loma Rica and Pete and Joanne Le Mond. Pete and Hugh were in their usual rare form. Our Santa Cruz contingent represented by Vivian Beebe and Jeff Luternauer, Boulder Creek's Becky Glaser and daughter, Lena Spilman and Dawn Perrine. Even our Pescadero contingent was represented by Kathy Ruiz and Gertie Walker.
Then on to the gift exchange and the search for the elusive sheath cleaner. Trilby's hand made pillow was must sought after and Bing's hand made glassed in wooden cowboy boot. Linda Cowles brought a friend who had brought one of his paintings, including frame, which Lena picked but did not get to hold on to for very long. My guest, Cassie Conlin, who we are hoping to entice into the club brought a glass blown ornament which she made herself. When Marvin picked it I told him he better not get too attached to it because my number was coming up later and I wanted it. He promptly handed it over and said I could have it. Guess Marvin and I will have to actually admit that we have been friends all along.
Judith Ogus, Jack and Diane Enderle, Carla Ambriz, Jay and Pat McKendry, Lori Oleson, Bill and Sandie Parker, Jennifer Kurtzall and Mike Power, Chere Montgomery, Kathy Mayeda. The problem with trying to name names is that someone might be forgotten but I think I may have gotten everyone, with the help of the club roster. Also seen were Ken Cook, Steve Lenheim with a Santa hat, complete with wig; Mike Maul, Jackie Davidson, Cheryl Domnitch, Judy Etheridge, Jan Jeffers, Brian Reeves, our able Santa's helper with the gift exchange; Karla Perkins and her guest, Mike and Jill Newburn, Kathy Kauer and her guest, Theresa, Connell and Kay Allison, Becky Hart who had to teach lessons and if she had been one more minute, we were going to split her food among us.
Our thanks go especially to Trilby and Dawn. Trilby arranged for everything and then had an all day tax seminar to go to. Dawn came really early and did all the decorations and they were spectacular. Also to everyone who was there who helped clean up. After the dinner I looked around and saw everyone picking up chairs, putting tables and chairs away, washing dishes, sweeping and mopping and in no time at all the place was spotless.
Ken and Brian and I
had so much fun we decided to make our evening last just a little longer.
When he got ready to go, Ken's truck had decided to stay. He and
Brian worked on it for a while but even though they could get it running,
they could not get it into any of the gear to move so we called AAA and
they came and rescued us. While we waited, we got to hear all about
Brian's Silver State broken truck experience. What a story.
Ask him to tell you.
From "Tooth
to Tail" is the theme of the upcoming NATRC convention on February 3rd,
2001. It will again be held in Los Gatos at the Loma Prieta Community center
located in the beautiful Santa Cruz Mountains. In addition to the lodging
available in nearby Santa Cruz and Los Gatos, those with self contained
campers or motor homes are welcome to "camp out" Friday and/or Saturday
night in the parking lot of the community center.
This will be
a 1-day event with speakers scheduled all day Saturday. Registration starts
at 7:30 AM with the program concluding at 4:00 PM. Advance registration
would be appreciated.
Featured speakers
include Dr. Martin Adams whose topic will be Equine Nutrition and Electrolyte
Replacement. Dr. Madison Seaman's will speak on Equine Dentistry and Physiology
of Exercise Training. Also featured will be Patty Stiller addressing the
newest advances in Natural Balanced Shoeing. Dr. Adams has a Ph.D. in equine
nutrition and has served on the animal science faculty at Louisiana Tech
University. He acts as a nutritional consultant for commercial horse farms
as well as giving presentations to equine-related organizations. He is
currently employed by Southern States Horse Feeds in the state of Virginia.
Madison Seaman's DVM M S practices equine medicine, surgery and dentistry
as an exclusively mobile service based in Gilroy, CA. He is a Graduate
of Texas A&M University with two degrees in veterinary medicine. He
completed graduate studies in equine physiology at the University of Florida
and was a teaching resident for two years at UC Davis. Patty Stiller has
been a farrier since 1982. She became involved with Natural
Balance Shoeing in
1997 and now does clinics with Gene Ovnicek, the originator of the system.
She also works with Gene's Equine Digital Support System. Patty now only
takes new clients through veterinarians' referrals. She also works part
time at UC Davis.
During the scheduled
breaks through out the day you'll have ample opportunity to visit the various
vendors offering the latest styles in riding attire, tack, gismos and gadgets.
This well-rounded
program with these exceptional speakers should prove to be informative,
provocative and enjoyable. You won't want to miss it and miss out and we
don't want to miss you. Plan to attend for mutual interest exchange &
socialization with fellow equine enthusiasts.
Mark the date,
Saturday February 3rd, 2001 on your calendar now. For information, questions
and registration forms contact Marlene Takle by phone #(408) 353-2419 or
fax # (408) 353-1459 or e-mail martakle@ix.netcom.com
Longtime Quicksilver
member Mike Tracy has a real feather in his cap. He and Aron Moon+/,
his 17 year old 3500 mile 1/2 Arab gelding, won the International Arabian
Horse Association's Competitive Trail Riding Half Arab National Championship.
These two have been a team for a long time and we all offer our congratulations
to Mike. In this championship the horse is assessed by a group of judges
and Aron Moon+/ came out on top. Quicksilver members won both the
pure bred and the 1/2 Arab Championships as Nancy Twight’s Tonto
was the IAHA purebred national champion competitive trail horse.
Michele Shaw Tells Us How to Spend Thanksgiving
You know you're an endurance junkie when you forego spending the holidays with the normal, unequestrian part of your family, all in order to camp out in the veritable parking lot of a casino and ride 150 miles through the rocks of the Las Vegas desert. I'm talking, of course, about the Silver State ride over Thanksgiving. It was my fourth time there, and the weather was the nicest I've seen. For once, there was no wind, and it was so balmy at night, the water buckets did not freeze over at all. The days were warm and clear, and saw many people doing emergency clip jobs on their horses, to the tune of what has become at these rides the ubiquitous generator. It was fun to see people's imaginations expressed in the different patterns they made on their horses.
Besides myself and my husband, Steve, other Quicksilver members who made theatrics were Lori Oleson (who would not part with her very nice first featherweight award blanket when I tried to trade with her for the combo fan/light/radio/alarm that I won in the same division the next day!), Bing Voight, Hugh & Gloria Vanderford, Trilby Pedersen, Jeff Luternauer, Valorie Weizer, and Brian Reeves. I believe that Brian had severe truck problems...I hope that he is, in fact, home by now, and not still bathed in the lights of my favorite, riverboat shaped casino.
For those of you who have never been to this particular ride, it always starts the day after Thanksgiving, which means that for most of us who go to do all three days, Thanksgiving itself is spent in base camp. There are dinner options for those who cannot get through the holiday without turkey. When Suzi Kelly is there, she usually does a bird in a barbecue, and all the fixin's in her enormous motor home. (She wasn't there this year)
There is also nearby
Las Vegas, or the buffet line at the Landing casino next door to base camp.
I got ambitious this year, and pre-cooked mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce
and turkey burgers at home. Combined with instant gravy, stuffing from
a box, and pumpkin pie from Albertson's, and reheated over the two-burner
stove of our gooseneck with living quarters, it all went down rather well,
and didn't even create too
many dishes to be
washed! I would even recommend this approach for those who may still be
cooking over a Coleman stove.
Friday's ride is a series of two loops out of base camp, the second part of each loop being common trail. Just outside of the 14 mile mark, at Bird Springs, there is usually a band of mustangs to be spotted, and they did not disappoint us this year. They seemed particularly colorful this time, with several pintos and palominos. We were under strict orders not to sponge or scoop from any of the springs, as they are the only water source for wildlife. We were warned that due to apparent abuses last year, BLM would be watching us! I think everyone took it to heart and was very good about it. If BLM was watching, they certainly took the covert approach, as they were harder to spot than the mustangs.
Saturday's ride was a point to point through Bird Springs again, all the way up to Blue Diamond. Last year there was a band of four mustangs, mare and three offspring, who haunted camp, scamming leftover alfalfa, but they did not show themselves this year. The horse I rode on Saturday had seen the trail last year, but in reverse (Sunday's ride is the same trail as Saturday's, but ridden the other direction). I was curious to see what his reaction would be, as he is quite trail savvy, and I was not disappointed. He was fairly poopy the first 35 miles, but after leaving the vet check, his attitude changed 180 degrees. It was as if he knew exactly what the plan was, and that we were headed to camp. He was perfect for the last 15 miles. It was a nice way to end the day...with afresh horse, and riding through the red rock cliffs, towards camp and a shower!
AND GLORIA VANDERFORD, this note......
“Because we haven't
contributed to the newsletter, thought I would try to enlighten new members
about Peggy's and Clair's ride. So here goes.”
If you can leave
the family without to much grumbling at Thanksgiving, Peggy, Clairs &
Fred's ride, Silver State Point to Point near Las Vegas is the place to
be. Three day ride 50 miles each day. We camp next to a Casino
three of the four days, which provides hot meals and great restrooms.
Quicksilver members were in good company with a number of members being
Great weather,
we arrived Thursday afternoon to T-shirt temperatures and it was this way
the entire weekend. No freezing, light jacket weather in A.M..
The skies were especially clear and a vivid blue. If you remember,
the weather was not so good in our area, what a relief to see the sun.
The first day
is two loops returning to camp each time. This day is the rockiest
but hey, that's Nevada. The QSER were well represented for top ten awards:
Gloria Vanderford, Dawn Perrine, Hugh Vanderford, and Steve Shaw.
On the trial also were Lori Olsen, Michele Shaw, Jeff Luternauer, Trilby
Pederson and Bing Voight. Brian and Valerie were there but had a
truck break down. This is where riders and crews work together, Dave
Chaton (Karen's husband) towed the truck to get repaired and Brian was
able to ride the next day. Connell was there with at least one of
his horses, a stallion which Bing rode on day two, Dawn Perrine, one of
our new members, gave me a run for the money at the finish. All day
she was right there, I thought don't know her so she'll probably fall back
- no way. Welcome to the club Dawn.
The second day
is a beautiful day, climbs, views and an abundance of wild horses.
Top ten riders from the club: Gloria Vanderford & Lori Olsen;
followed by Michele Shaw, Brian Reeves, Jeff Luternauer, Bing Voight and
Trilby.. Hugh decided not to ride. Hugh's knee is getting better
every ride. And you can see Brian was back in the saddle.
The third day is the
second day in reverse. (didn't ride but have previously) It is like
a new ride because of going in reverse. The horses, especially the
three day horses, sense they are going home and become invigorated.
Club top tens were Hugh Vanderford & Michele Shaw, in pursuit
Trilby Pederson. Val opened up her hotel room for some of us to shower,
what a treat, thanks again.
Hope I didn't
miss someone; you can see the results on Ride Camp.
Merry Christmas
& Happy New Year.
& Hugh
ed. note: I
wish to thank Michele and Gloria for taking the time to report on rides
they have attended. It not only helps people new to the endurance
scene to get an inside glimpse of rides they might be considering for the
future, but it also helps the editor publish an interesting newsletter.
QUICKSILVER wishes to extend a hearty welcome to our newest members, DENNIS TRACY AND JUDY REENS. Dennis is the brother of longtime Quicksilver member Mike Tracy. (see page 6)
Both Dennis and Judy hardly need introductions. They are prominent in our sport and known for leading the pack, both in 50 and 100 mile rides. Judy's Tevis Cup Ride on Benji this past year adds another trophy to our long list of credits. Quicksilver can now lay claim to three Tevis Cups and four Haggin Cups.
Welcome Dennis and Judy
Published by the Quicksilver
Endurance Riders Inc.
P.O. Box 71, New Almaden,
CA 95042
Julie Suhr, Editor
TEL and FAX 831-335-5933