Dec00Quicksilver Quips
February Quicksilver Quips

President's Message, January, 2001

Hi there !

Well, we're off to a good start.  Our meeting at Trilby's included her homemade chicken soup (yummmmm), buttered and toasted french bread and fruit flavored iced tea.  Bing was the exception, dining upon baked potatoes instead.  What a treat!  Thanks Trilby.

Next month will be our always wonderful Awards Banquet at Harry's Hofbrau. This means we'll have a fun evening with good friends, really abundant food and fabulous awards as promised by Maryben.

We came up with some great ideas for program speakers in the coming months, so keep your eyes on the newsletter for what's coming up and when.  Our goal will be to enlighten you in a most pleasant way.  Should you have some suggestions along these lines, please let us know.

Hope you've been able to do some good riding during our beautiful sunny days.  My riding has been limited to several times on Bold, the "Enderle offspring" of a few years back and once on Samantha, our pony acquisition for the grandkids - a Christmas present.  Storm is definitely ready to knock me in the head.  Curly Joe has been ridden a couple of times by our friends up the road, but could use a lot more.  Step makes it very plain when he thinks he's being ignored.  Jack's ridden him on sort of a schedule.  Shoshone at age 33 (34 in April) is pretty creaky, but she still does little canters around her corral and will occasionally get a hike up the hill.  In case you don't remember, she is Bold's mom which means she had him without any complications at age 26.  Quite an accomplishment! Demon is still with a friend of ours down in Scott's Valley where he gets ridden on a fairly regular basis. So, if there is anyone willing to come up and help me get going riding again, the horses and I would be most appreciative.

     'Til next time,    Diane

Who will win .....


Harry's Hofbrau, San Jose,  February 10, 1999, Saturday, 6:30 p.m.

Harry has the best buffet and the best prices.

Who will win .....

If you're not there,
         you‘ll be missed,
                  but mostly you will be
             missing out.

 It would help Maryben (265-0839) if you let her know if you are coming,
but don't stay home if you forget to Call her. Harry has never runs out of food yet.


         see Details On Page 6

 February 14           Valentine's Day

 February 17  Twenty Mule Team 35/65/100
      Jackie Bumgardner  760-375-8915

 February 24  Shine and Shine Only II 25/50
      Becky Hart  408-997-0814


 TIME IN:  7:17 PM (we had no quorum until then, as the weather was quite inclement)

    PRESENT: Diane Enderle, Trilby Pedersen, Jan    Jeffers, Judith Ogus, Jackie Davidson
   ABSENT: Mike Maul, Maryben Stover, Kathy Kauer
   GUESTS: Steve Lenheim

 The last meeting was our annual Christmas Party.  A good time was had by all.  A short meeting was held, in which a motion was made to give $2,500 to Maryben for the annual Awards Banquet.  Minutes were read and approved.

 Since the members of the General Meeting were present, there was no President's Report in the Board Meeting.  Instead, we moved on to the General Meeting, and the Treasurer's report, Correspondence, Program, Goodwill, Ride Committee, Newsletter and Trails, as well as other business were dealt with in the General Meeting, and will be detailed as such in the General Meeting Minutes. Items of interest should be sent to Julie Suhr for the newsletter.

 A motion was made to take the officers of the previous year to lunch, in appreciation of their service as board members for the year.  The motion was seconded, and passed unanimously.

 TIME IN: 7:35 PM

 The minutes of the last meeting (same as those listed under the Board Meeting) were read and approved.

 Mail was opened, and newsletters from the Santa Clara and San Martin Horsemen's were distributed for perusal.  We also received a Thank You card from Kris Ruben, regarding Andy Bender.  In the

note, Kris said that Andy wanted to be out on the Outlaw Trail in southern Utah.  She said that she will take him around the end of September, during the five day ride, and have some type of memorial services there.  Maryben also wrote a nice article about Andy in the Endurance News.

 GENERAL ACCOUNT    $  458.36
 RIDE ACCOUNT              4144.82
 JUNIOR ACCOUNT            760.12
 TRAILS ACCOUNT             840.58

 The status of the Junior Account surfaced again, as we have few Juniors in the club.  It was decided that the discussion will be deferred to the next meeting, when Maryben is present.  In the past, the Junior Account money was earmarked for Junior Awards.

 None given.


 MEMBERSHIP:  None given.

 PROGRAM:  The Program Committee has no leader right now.  Anyone interested in volunteering should contact Diane Enderle.  Three potential programs were suggested:
     -      Judith said that there is a local fireman who does horse rescue. She will contact him to  see if he would like to be a speaker at one of  our meetings.

     -     Marilyn said that Madison Siemens could do lecture on horse  dental.  She will contact him regarding a speaking  engagement.

     -     Steve contacted Western States about a film on the Tevis. The film was done by the  Japanese.  Let's hope it has subtitles!

 At this point, the programs can be held any month, except for February and May.

 GOODWILL:  There are two candidates for get well cards, Steve Lenheim and Kay Allison.  While riding at Calero, Steve had an accidental meeting with the ground and his horse's hoof.  Though Steve insists it was actually an alien abduction, he is recovering nicely and has kept his sense of humor intact. Our well-wishes go out to Kay and Steve.

 TRAILS: Jan said that she will chair the Trails committee.  Trilby and Jackie will be on it.  Anyone interested in volunteering should contact Jan Jeffers.

 There was quite a bit of discussion about Little Arthur.  Although the Parks Department voted 4-3 to open the park as day use only, the motion must still be passed by the Board of Supervisors.  Additionally, the property owners have threatened another lawsuit due to "environmental impact" (read, they just don't want horses there).  This park has not been in equestrian use for about 20 years due to protests from landowners.  Another piece of property was purchased further down the road, however it would require significant road improvements before it would be accessible.

 Lori mentioned the Coyote Lake-Harvey Bear Ranch.  She would like to be on the Bear Ranch Task Force, however no one is returning her calls.  Jan said that she would call Joan Throgmorton on Lori's behalf.  They will be deciding what to do with this land, and right now the county is considering another golf course. There is enough land at Bear Ranch to have an equestrian facility there.  If designed appropriately, a golf course and a horse facility would both fit on the property.

 Steve also talked about the property off of Calero/Castleoma, which was purchased by the county about 2 years ago.  The property is about 10,000 acres and would double the size of Calero preserve.  Apparently things have been very quiet since the property was purchased.  Steve said that QSER should focus some energy on finding out the status of this property, as it would have more of an impact on local horse people.

 Trilby Pedersen volunteered to chair the Moonlight Ride and the Christmas Party.

 Steve Lenheim volunteered to chair the Fall Ride, which will most likely beheld at Dinosaur Point.  The ride will take place on 10/20/01.  Since this is a new ride location, Judith and Steve plan to ride the trails this spring, to become familiar with the territory.  Steve will also talk with the Ranger about the ride.  At this point, it is unlikely that a Ride and Tie will be held concurrently with the ride, since it is a new ride location, and also may not have
sufficient trees/foliage for tying.

 We would also like to have a Poker Ride.  Judith Etheridge will be asked if she would like to chair this ride.

 Maryben was not present, so Awards were not discussed.

 Newsletter costs for the year 2000, including stamps and copier, were $788.31.

 There were 12 issues of the Quicksilver Quips printed, with an average size of 10 to 12 pages.  The number sent out varied, according to payment of dues, addition of new members, etc.  The last newsletter went to 91 homes. Gratis copies are sent to Jim Green, Brown's Arabians, Richard Vargas, Santa Clara County Horsemen's Association, and occasional outsiders who inquire about the club.

 Julie would like to use colored covers for the newsletter, which would cost about $5 more per issue, or $60 per year.  A motion was made to approve  Julie's request.  The motion was seconded, and passed unanimously.

 Andy Bender passed away on 10/27/00. A memorial will be held for him on the Outlaw Trail.


 Next month's meeting will be our annual Awards Banquet, which will be held at Harry's Hofbrau on Saratoga Avenue, just off of Highway 280.

 A motion to adjourn was called and seconded.  The meeting adjourned at 8:23 PM.

 Respectfully submitted,

 Jackie Davidson, Secretary

FOR YEAR ENDING 12-31-2000

 INCOME:           $   1795.00

 NEWSLETTERS           $856.47
 FEES                              120.00
 LEGAL                             10.00
 AWARDS                     1893.34
 FOOD                            151.06
 CALENDAR                  466.07
 RENT                            154.00
 SUPPLIES-XMAS        15.89


  NET LOSS         ($  1871.83)

FOR YEAR ENDING 12-31-2000

 INCOME:                      $   6208.75

 AWARDS                      $  1135.60
 FEES                                   100.00
 INSURANCE                     1119.00
 VETERINARIANS               800.00
 FOOD                                   609.41
 REFUNDS                            180.00
 PERMIT                                 20.00
 SUPPLIES                             40.00
 PORTABLE TOILETS         259.80
 AERC FEES                         386.00

  TOTAL EXPENSES          4649.81

  NET GAIN                      $  1558.94

Jan Jeffers, Quicksilver Trails Committee Chairman, takes her job seriously.  Herewith her first report and it is good news. But she needs our support. You must make it a priority to write and phone our supervisors, See page 11.

Little Arthur Equestrian Staging Area

 Little Arthur Equestrian Staging Area is one step closer to becoming a reality.  On January 3, 2001 the Parks Commission met to hear public comments and make a decision regarding the proposed Little Arthur Equestrian Staging Area on Redwood Retreat Road (with exclusive trail access for equestrians between the staging area and Mt. Madonna County Park).  This is a 17.6 acre site with approximately 2 acres planned as an equestrian staging area, with basic features (gravel parking, portable toilet, water supply system, water troughs, emergency phone, etc.

 There were three options presented for the proposed Equestrian Staging Area on Redwood Retreat Road:

 Option #1 - Revised alternative site plan - limited to 17 vehicles and not involving any event use or overnight camping (day use only).

 Option #2 - Continue planning, design and implementation of the equestrian staging area which would be limited to 17 vehicles.  Subsequent use and improvements for events or overnight camping would be deferred until a later time.

 Option #3 - Drop Equestrian Staging from consideration; dispose of property.

 The Parks Commission voted 4-3 in favor of Option #1, despite Commissioner south recommendation  to go with Option #3, dispose of the property and work with CalTrans to improve the Sprig Lake entrance at Highway 152.

 This will now come before the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors soon for final approval.  It is very important that as many horsemen be at the Board of Supervisors meeting to support this effort for an equestrian staging area.

  For more information contact Jan Jeffers at 408 779-4722 or .

 Respectfully submitted,
                                   Jan Jeffers

Death Valley Encounter

People who write-up ride reviews have one great fear in common --that they will omit the name of someone who was there, but that they just personally did not happen to see.  So it is with fear and trembling that I undertake the job for the recent Death Valley Encounter. With 124 riders the first day and many of them with non-riding spouses and/or friends, it is hard to sort it all out.

So sticking myself out on a limb, I will say that Quicksilver members either riding or rooting for those that did were:
 Connell and Kay Allison, Heather Bergantz, Ken Cook, Dom Freeman, Nancy Elliot, Jan Jeffers, Jennifer Kurtzall, Jeff Luternauer, Lud and Barbara McCrary, Pat McKendry, Lori Oleson, Trilby Pederson, Dawn Perrine, Robert and Melissa Ribley, Scott Sansom, Steve and Michele Shaw, Bob and Julie Suhr, Pat and Bob Verheul, Bing Voight,  and our farthest away member,  who hails from New Orleans., Vivian Beebe’s granddaughter, Stephanie. Connell and Kaye were cheering on Bing who was riding their young stallion. Pat McKendry was crewing for good friend, Jan Jeffers who was riding Mike Maul’s Thor. Bob Verheul was crewing for wife, Pat, who went all four days.

Others who I think did the whole, 200 miles are our new member, Dawn Perrine, Lori

Oleson,   Dom Freeman and Scott Samson.  While none of our Quicksilver member's brought home a 1st place award, Lori finished 4th overall for the 200 miles on Kassiq which I am pretty sure was the best performance by a Quicksilver member.

As for the New Year's Eve party, I have not talked to anyone who stayed up that late so if any of you out there, lasted until 2001, please send an article for next month's Quips.

The weather was warm, the skies clear, the starts brilliant and the people happy campers. The popular Jackie Bumgardner takes on a monumental task and pulls it all off with the help of her friends and fans who  pitch in for around the clock duty.  Trails markings were sabotaged  in a few places and a lot of people saw more of the desert than perhaps ride management intended, but it really did not make that much difference. Finishing after dark was the norm.

Day 1 sort of wandered around in the desert around Valley Wells before lunch, but then took you over the Slate Range in the afternoon.  On the down slope, the rocks slow you down enough so you can absorb the gorgeous view.  Then “IN On the flat, to Ballarat.”

Day 2 takes you up the canyon on a really spectacular ride and when you crest at the 7800 foot mark, all of Death Valley is there for your eyes to feast upon  It is simply grand beyond words. The after lunch part is sort of a straight trip out and back on the flat to get the mileage.

Day 3 is the “easy day” according to Jackie., mostly flat with tons of rocks and sand,  I don't think any two people took the same trail that day however,  Ribbons gone astray led the riders astray and we were spread out for miles in all directions---bobbing in and out of rocky washes, hunting for Alex and the water truck to try to zero in on the right direction.  It now was becoming the norm for many to finish after dark, but then it gets dark early in the shadow of the Panamint Mountains.

Day 4 starts with a good climb and ends with a good climb--out and back through the ghost town of Darwin.  More rocks, but by now you are used to them as are the horses. Dusk arrives, it is over.

And then ---

So 200 miles of desert behind, a new year
ahead...we are truly blest.


Don't forget the NATRC Region 1 Convention on  Saturday, February 3rd. See your January Quips for details.

Then, the AERC Annual Convention is in Reno on March 2 & 3, 2001.
 See Endurance News for details.

Michele Shaw Reports on USET Seminar

  The second weekend in December saw host to a USET endurance training seminar at Hale Arena, near Redding, CA. Although some of you may have been intimidated by the somewhat official and scary sounding name of the thing, the event itself was wonderful, and fostered a good sense of teamwork and well-supported challenge. Free to USET members, it was a full three-day weekend chock full of riding lessons, lectures and evaluations. Mary Lutz did an excellent job of organizing, and made sure that there was so much food available, I believe she wanted to have no complaints about any of us ever not making the weight requirements for FEI riding!

 Instructors were flown in from far away places like Vermont and Pennsylvania so that everyone could have a semiprivate one hour riding lesson each day, and we had local celebrities such as Kerry Ridgeway and Blake Brown for lectures as well as hands-on evaluations of our horses. Tony Benedetti gave us a great picture of some of the challenges and rewards of riding internationally during his interactive talk. Each horse got an hour long TTEAM session (even I, the staunchest of  non- believers, was impressed by the difference I could see in my horse after this session). We heard from Midge Leitch, VMD who has tons of experience shipping horses trans-continentally, as well as overseas, and Daniel Stewart, of Horse Power Fitness challenged all of us to balance on rocker boards, and even poop in our saddles, as part of his 3 hour session. Joe Pagan, of Kentucky Equine Research (Olympic equine feed supplier) gave us an excellent lecture on nutrition, as it applies specifically to the endurance horse.

 We had the complete run of a super facility with a huge indoor arena, managed by Clarissa Hale. There was enough room for each horse there to have its own stall or paddock, and Clarissa was up early each morning to drag the arenas.

 I am extremely impressed by the level of commitment USET is showing to endurance riders in general, and those seeking to have more information about international competition, specifically, and I am thankful to have had the opportunity to participate. No one should be put off by the thought that international competition might be only for the "elite," or for those already into it. USET has proven its willingness to expand all of our knowledge, and to support those who choose the challenge of giving international competition a try.


This is the last issue of Quicksilver Quips you will get if you have not renewed your membership  for 2001.  $25.00 earns you a position on the membership roster as a single; $35 gets you there as a family.  Once again, Maryben takes your money at 1299 Sandra Drive, San Jose, CA  95125

 Becky Hart is one of the speakers being  featured at the EQUINE AFFAIRE to be held in Pomona February 9-11. Her subject?  Distance Competition--what else!  This event should be on everybody's wish list.   It will be a super learning experience with speakers from all over the country.  After our Becky, John Lyons and Sheila Varian are among the best known.  I am told there will be over 1500 booths to slim down your wallet.  There will be acres of tack, riding apparel, trailers,  and on and on.  If you need more information, go to  In Becky's words “there will be plenty to learn, see and buy.”

Speaking of Becky, call her at 408-997-0814 for entry forms for her SASO Rides starting with the first one the end of this month, January 27th,  at Quicksilver Park

Our “On the Mend” members

Steve Lenheim’s accident in Calero Park has left us all saddened, but happy that he is on the mend. Steve has no recollection of the accident which left him dazed upon the ground with bad injuries to his face which will require a little plastic surgery. His cracked helmet is evidence of the head blow he took when he was riding alone on Ibn.  Steve has served  us well in the past as Quicksilver president, chef extraordinaire, ride manager,  fellow competitor and friend. We all wish him well.

Our best wishes should also go to Kay Allison who had surgery in early January.  She looked hale and hearty at Death Valley where she and Connell were cheering on Bing  Voight who was riding their stallion. We understand she still looks hale and hearty and is now at home recuperating.  So, heal fast, Kay. We are thinking of you.

AN OPEN INVITATION by Marvin Snowbarger

I'm sweating bullets, but the calendar and clock don't read June 23, 5 am.  If they did, I'd really be in trouble -- moreso than I am right now: You see, I'm not in running shape and I'm confirmed for the Western States 100 Mile Run on June 23 at 5 am.  So, I had better get my @#$%#*& going!  I've got an ambitious conditioning program scheduled for myself over the next 5 months, and I'm holding open auditions for trail company.  This is the way it works.  I plan to do long runs on Friday's and Saturday's (all day in Quicksilver Park -- primarily, because it is so close).  If you need lingered conditioning for your horse and would like trail company, please give me a call.  No formality, no commitments, no schedule, no expectations, no fixed mileage, no nothing, except someone you can occasionally look at and shake your head in pity(God, it feels good to be a helpless victim)!  My number is 408/268-8752.  In case you are waiting for someone to go first, I'll tell you that Judy Etheridge has already signed-on.  She's scheduled three 100 mile rides this year(20 Mule Team, Washoe, Tevis) and the two of us will be putting in a lot of miles.  We will be running/riding in Quicksilver and, in her area, Sunol.  So, between now and June 23, please be my guest.

THE MOST IMPORTANT THING in this February Quicksilver Quips is right here.  The names of the Supervisors to write, phone, e-mail, FAX to make the Little Arthur Staging Area a certainty are listed below.  Jan Jeffers has done the footwork (see page 4); the least we can do is help her by picking up the phone. Go to it, guys because the next time I see you I'm  going to ask you!                                    Editor

E-mail for all Board of Supervisors is:

Board of Supervisors
County of Santa Clara
County Government Center, East Wing
70 West Hedding Street
San Jose, CA 95110
408 299-2323

District 1 - Supervisor Don Gage FAX 408 298-8460
  Almaden, New Almaden, Coyote, Gilroy, Los Gatos,
 Monte Sereno, Morgan Hill, Redwood Estates, San Martin, portion of So. San Jose.

District 2 - Supervisor Blanca Alvarado FAX:  408 795-8547
San Jose, portion of downtown San Jose, portion of East San Jose, Willow Glen

District 3 - Supervisor Pete McHugh FAX: 408 298- 6637
Alviso, Evergreen, Milpitas, portion of E. San Jose, portion of downtown San Jose, No. portion of Sunnyvale

District 4 - Supervisor James t. Beall Jr.  FAX:                408 299-2038
Burbank, Campbell, Santa Clara, portion of So. San Jose (Cambrian), portion of West San Jose

District 5 - Supervisor Liz Kniss FAX:  408 280-0418
Cupertino, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, Mt. View, Palo Alto, Saratoga, Stanford, portion of West San Jose, So. portion of Sunnyvale

Published by the Quicksilver Endurance Riders Inc.
P.O. Box 71, New Almaden, CA 95042
Julie Suhr, Editor TEL and FAX 831-335-5933