President's Message, December, 2000
The year is winding
down and it is time to start thinking of our Christmas
Bash. Once again
we will be having turkey with all the trimmings. When
Trilby is in charge
of food we eat well. We were all treated to spaghetti at
last night's meeting.
The awards banquet will be in the usual place on
2/10/01. Be
sure to send in your point and mileage forms on time. Remember,
no amount of points
and/or mileage is too small to get an award. We always
have lots. This
year we have a crew award to add to the festivities. Lots
of crew people out
there. Send in your forms too.....
Duh, Maryben
December 2000
13 QUICKSILVER Christmas Party
Details see page 4
28-31 Death Valley Encounter 25-35/50
Jackie Bumgardner 760-375-8915
QUICKSILVER BOARD MEETING of November 8, 2000 convened at 6:40 p.m.
Ride dates for next
year were discussed in great detail again as the ride
date settled upon
during the last meeting was in conflict with another ride
in the general vicinity.
We came up with first, second and third choice
dates so that we would
avoid renewing this discussion still another time.
A motion was made and
seconded to submit September 15, October 20 and October
27, 200l to AERC for
The location of our
club Christmas Party, which is to be held on December 13,
2000, was briefly
discussed and a motion was made and seconded to hold it as
usual at the Santa
Clara County Horseman's Association.
This meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
A vote was taken for the upcoming year's club officers. They are as follows:
Diane Enderle
Mike Maul
Jackie Davidson
Trilby Pederson
The Officer's slate
shown in the Minutes of last month did not show Trilby
running against Kathy
Miller since it was originally thought that she had
held the Treasurer's
office for three years. Since this was in error she was
put back in the running
and subsequently won the nomination for this office.
Nominations were opened
up for Board Members for the coming year. The
nominees are:
Jan Jeffers
Cathy Kauer
Judith Ogus
Committees formed for our end of the year business are as follows:
We were reminded of
the Saddle Fitting Clinic at Lightfoot Stables on
Saturday, November
18, 2000, to be put on by Dawn Perrine.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Enderle, Secretary
Quicksilver Annual Christmas Party and Gift Exchange
Wednesday, December 13 at 6:30 p.m.
Santa Clara County Horsemen's Grounds
If your last name begins
with any letter from A thru L, please bring a main
dish such as potatoes,
rice, vegetables or a surprise of your choice. If you
last name begins with
any letter from M thru Z, please bring a salad, dessert
or bread . Oh,
and cranberry too.
If your last name begins
with any letter from A thru Z, bring a gift
to exchange.
Don't spend more than $10 at the most! $5 will do.
Trilby is our Christmas
Party chairperson and needs someone to roast a
turkey. She
will do one, but we need two so call her at 408-997-7500 soon.
Call her if you need
more party information too.
RIDE ACCOUNT: $ 1008.13
Our Quicksilver Head
Vet, Nancy Elliot is too much in demand to have much
time left to herself
to ride. But she made it to Southern California.
A Busman's Holiday for Nancy Elliot
After racking
up a whopping total of 60 ride miles this season (Mariposa on
Izzie), I finally
made it to another race. Sequoia returned to competition
after time off from
an injury in the off season last year with a good, solid
finish in the Sunland
50. My buddy Sandy Schuler accompanied me with her
gelding Triton, who
is a nice traveling companion for my sometimes stressed
boy. I was supposed
to do the Lake Sonoma ride with Sequoia first as an easy
transition back to
real work, but the "rain" blew that plan so he had to deal
with a 7 hour trip
then an honest, tough ride instead. Sandy and I met up at
Lightfoot (thanks
Becky and Judith for letting me leave my rig!), went a few
hours down to Lost
Hills KOA for the night, then leisurely made it to Sunland
before noon on Friday.
Nice, warm, sunny
Southern California wasn't either warm or sunny; in fact,
there was a chance
of snow forecast for race day! We lucked out with a
frigid but clear morning
followed by a day that never let one get to short
sleeves. The
trail is a nice mix of trail and fire road that loops back to
camp for lunch break
and has three other vet checks away. The trail was
really well marked,
vetting seemed competent if somewhat 'relaxed', and the
many volunteers and
other folk involved were super friendly. There was quite a
bit of rock and we
spent a fair amount of time walking through some washes,
but there was plenty
of good going with great climbs and descents. The climb
after leaving VC 3
at 31 miles is pretty impressive. Too bad this ride isn't
in the spring, because
it would be terrific Tevis training. The views of the
LA Basin were quite
pretty (really!) and we enjoyed spectacular sunsets, with
big thunderheads over
the mountains lit up by the setting sun. The winner
(Susie Kelly, again)
finished in 5 hours, while we took 8 hours with lots of
horse left.
I would recommend this ride to anyone wanting a change of
scenery who has a
good hill horse and likes an honest 50 with good challenges
And Nancy adds:
Also--a book
recommendation (I don't think it's been mentioned yet):
Horse Heaven
by Jane Smiley should be on any horseman's or horse lover's
"must read" list.
This is a novel by a Pulitzer Prize-winning author (A
Thousand Acres) and
avid horsewoman about a group of people and horses
involved in Thoroughbred
racing. Not only does she carry the multiple story
lines well and very
clearly flesh out her human characters, she is able to
bring the same descriptive
clarity to her equine characters as well. Her
feel for horses and
how real horse people interact with them comes through
beautifully, and she
is the first author I've read that has the talent to put
in writing small instances
that only a real horse lover could possibly
[If you like
this, check out an early novel of hers, Barn Blind--not as
good, but still very
enjoyable for horsey folk]
December Check List —the Four “HAVE YOU’S?”
sent in nominations for Hall of Fame Horse and Hall of
Fame Rider,
Horse of the Year and Eleanor Norton Awards?
ELEANOR NORTON AWARD nominations go to last year's winner:
Melissa Ribley, DVM, 13061 Arbor Lane, Grass Valley, CA 95949 or
committee member Judith Ogus or Bing Voight
RIDER HALL OF FAME nominations go to last year's winner:
Nancy Elliot, DVM, 4290 Pesdcadero Road, Pescadero, CA 94060
committee member Jackie Davidson or Mike Maul
HORSE HALL OF FAME goes to the owner of 1999’s winning horse
Pete LeMond, 617 Carpenteria Road, Aromas, CA 95004 or
committee member Lori Oleson or Steve Lenheim
HORSE OF THE YEAR Maryben Stover, 1299 Sandra Drive, San Jose,
CA 95125 or Trilby
Pederson or Jan Jeffers
These are all due by December 15th...ACT NOW!
your completed ride record for the 2000 ride year to
Maryben? Remember,
new this year, you can fill out the rides where you
have been a crew person.
Maryben promises great awards. Her address is 1299
Sandra Dr., San Jose,
95125. See form on page 13 of this issue. (Remember
the great polar fleece
items awarded at last year's banquet? No ride
report - no
polar fleece)
Due by December 31st.
HAVE YOU renewed
your Quicksilver membership? It is cheaper
now than after
the first of the year.
Membership form on page 14. It goes to Maryben.
Due by December 31st.
sent a picture of you and/or your horse or both to Steve Lenheim
for inclusion in the
2000 Yearbook/Calendar? He's at 2100 So. Bascom,Ave.,
#4, Campbell, CA 95008.
Or better yet, bring your pictures to the Christmas
Party. New members:
we particularly want fresh faces for our calendar.
Please be sure to
send them to Steve.
Due December 31st.
You do not have
to wait until the due dates to perform any of these tasks.
Just do it NOW!
We know where there
is a pleasure trail horse for an intermediate rider.
This pinto thorobred/fox
trotter is gentle and dependable with experience
over obstacles.
He's 15.2 and more details are available from Nancy Twight
at 831-761-3363.
Robert Oram’s ad didn't
come out quite right in last month's Quips so here is
another one.
He has nice pasture with room to board horses at $165 per
month. Supplemental
feeding as necessary. He is also looking for used pipe
corrals. You
can reach Robert at 831-761-1184. Robert is in the Watsonville
Maryben Stover also
has a nice pasture available in the Almaden area. The
horses are checked
daily and extra feed is given when necessary. She can be
reached at 408-265-0839.
Bob and Pat Verheul
would like to find a stock trailer to carry at least 3
horses to the 2001
XP Ride. They can be reached at 831-335-3907.
Steve's Special Request
It's that time of the
year when you need to total your rider points and get
AND YOUR HORSE for the calendar. This year I have a
suggestion for all
the computer whiz-kids to try and do their own black and
white, yes, use your
scanner and printer and copy that picture for the
calendar. Make
it about 3 1/2 x 2 1/2 inches and eliminate all the clutter
so we can see a happy
face (look at an old calendar for ideas). Send the
photo to me or bring
it to the Christmas party . For those of you who prefer,
just give me the color
photo and I'll scan it. It would be nice to include
Steve Lenheim
Marvin Snowbarger has
forwarded to QQ a very interesting article from
Runner's World's November
2000 issue telling of a Man vs Horse Race
they hold in Wales
each year. So far the horses have always won, but only by
80 seconds this year
and I can tell that the bipeds think it is just a matter
of time before they
beat the quadrupeds. Personally, I hope it doesn't
The article is written
by Ed Eyestone who was an entry in this year's
race and finished
11th about 35 minutes behind the first horse, an Arabian
ridden by a woman.
It was a stormy day with mud and slick footing for both
man and beast. The
race, now in it's 22nd year, is 22 miles long and
usually is won in
about 2:10. There is a $31,500 award for the first person
to beat the horse
and so far it has gone uncollected. As with most of our
long distance rides
in the United States, the horse does have a mandatory vet
check at about 11
miles. 200 runners accepted the challenge this year against
a field of 13 horses.
and we just Grow and Grow
It is with great pleasure
we introduce our latest new Quicksilver members.
Most of us know MARILYN
ORLANDO and we see her at many rides. But how nice
it is to have her
as a member.
Then we now hare CHERYL
DOMNITCH on our roster. Cheryl does ride and ties
and owns Mocha whom
she just bought from Maryben.
Our third new member
since last month is DAWN PERRINE of Boulder Creek.
Dawn hales from Colorado
and lives near the Swanton-Pacific trail and helps
Trilby train horses.
Marilyn, Cheryl and
We want your pictures
in our Yearbook/Calendar so see page 5 for details.
And don't forget our
Christmas party at the Horsemen's Grounds on McKean Road
on December 13.
More information on that on page .4.
Man, Oh Man, What Have I Done? by Marvin Snowbarger
I am not sure about
this but I did it anyway: I mailed-in my entry to the
Western States 100
Mile Run to be held on June 23, 2001. Last year at this
time my entry for
the 2000 Run was not selected, which meant that this years
entry would be selected
automatically. I'm awaiting the confirmation.
I've run 10 ultras
(50 mile runs) this year attempting to qualify for the 100
mile run. Everyone
of them has been a struggle. At the end of each 50, I've
thought to myself
that to go another 50 miles would be impossible.
So, before sending
in my entry, I had to contend with the reality that the
100 mile objective
was not attainable. Of the 10 ultras I've attempted this
year, I finished 7,
but only 3 of them were fast enough to be accepted as
Ultrarunning is a real
puzzle. There are so many things to consider when the
mileage starts increasing
(weather, conditioning, altitude, clothing, shoes,
crew support, etc.)
that each run becomes its own challenge. But going a
hundred miles?
I don't know.
My plans are to step
back from the running for several weeks, enjoy the
holidays, re-order
the priorities in my life, and catch-up on some
long-delayed tasks,.
Then, in January, I’ll put everything to the side and
concentrate on getting
ready for the June “date with destiny”. Kinda
dramatic, huh.
Dramatic or not, it's gonna hurt.
The Lake Oroville Vista
Ride was held Nov. 4 with a number of QSER members
making up the top
ten. Judy Etheridge was in 3rd just 15 seconds ahead of
Michele Shaw at 4th
on Robin Hood who took BC. Melissa Ribley was in 8th
place, Hugh Vanderford
in 9th, Kirsten Berntsen in 10th, Kathy Mayeda was
19th, and Mike Maul
21st. Jeff Luternauer 36th, Robert Ribley 37th, and Bing
Voight 54th.
Bing finished around 4 PM. Riders were still coming in at the
cutoff time. Placings
were difficult to find out because there was no awards
meeting. There were
87 starters in the 50 with 75 finishers and 38 starters
in the 25 with
35 finishers.
This was the second
time for the ride - last years being described as
"challenging". At
the ride meeting we were told that this year's trail was
shorter - and likely
in the 44-46 mile range. For me - it seemed a pretty
challenging 50 even
now - taking about 7 hours riding time. There was lots of
single track with
some nice places where you could weave around the trees as
you took it fast.
One killer spot was going from the top of the dam to the
bottom - then back
up again. The back up again was not a trail in many places
- just ribbons from
point to point. And much of it just straight up.
The scenery varied
between beautiful - the lake and surroundings - to a new
home construction
area with the land torn up - burn piles - deep cleated
trails from the bulldozers
that were difficult to follow. We spent several
hours in this area
with a complex set of trails and markers that crossed
often. There were
a very large number of volunteers as spotters in these
areas and were certainly
needed. There seemed to be hundreds of signs - turn
right here and straight
ahead here.....The volunteers were great and very
Stories from the ride:
Bing decided at the
last moment to go - gets in at 1:30 AM - shining his
brights into Mike
and Kristen's sleeping area. No vet shows up at 5 AM to
vet him in - so management
gives him a number and says "Good luck:. Bing is
riding Spot and manages
to find his way to Vet check 3 before Vet check 1. He
made up a lot of time
to finish where he did. Judy Etheridge gets lost too
in the first part
of the ride and comes out of the lunch check in 9th. She
and Orion make up
a lot of time in the last 12 miles to finish 3rd. Her time
was only 5 minutes
off the winners and she think that the brass ring
might have been hers
w/o getting lost...I-). Michele and Robin Hood were just
passed by Judy near
the end but came away with BC and looked great.
An interesting part
of the ride that all the fast front runners missed out on
was shared with me
late that night by some other riders who came in at the
end. The third
Vet check at the top of the spillway was run by a vet with
his own microbrewery
at home. He had an iced keg of his homebrew in the van
and they talked him
into filling their water bottles with it. It made coming
in at the end well
worth it for these gals.
A few of the comments
heard during the ride:
We started at 5:45
and could see the lights of the sleeping city off in the
distance with dawn
coming. As we were riding - I heard a voice out the
darkness say - "this
is so beautiful that it's worth getting up this early to
see it". Another rider
catching the lake at the right spot to make a perfect
reflecting pool for
the mountains. One late rider caught the sunset coming
down the mountain
toward the finish -"Too beautiful to describe" was all she
could say.
For me - the ride contained
a number of contrasts - the huge dam and spillway
-a tremendous engineering
achievement - close to 1000 feet tall. But I was
riding by it on something
that tied me to a very different era and view of
the world.
I live in both - really much more in the new than the old - but
I believe that the
old can provide an anchor for the new..And the other contrast was the forest
and the lake compared to the cleared land for the new recreation site for
camping (including
a horse camp) fishing, golf course and vineyard.
Perhaps it will look
great when finished - but compared to
the rest of the ride
- I still prefer the "way it used to look". Ride
management did say
that there would be no housing developments but keeping
these promises can
be difficult.
In all - an interesting
and different ride - a chance to meet some new and
old friends - and
see a new part of the country. For me - this is my last
ride of the year and
I can hope for no rain at Becky's first Shine and Shine
Only ride on Jan.
LORI OLESON SOUNDS THE WARNING and we had all better take heed!
Lori's e-mail message
to Quicksilver Quips “Here's a web site to check out.
This will not go into effect until 2003 but it might
be something to put
in the QQ to give everyone a heads up it's coming. It
will probably affect
everyone who goes to rides.”
Visit this site---here
is one excerpt chosen by the editor. There
lots more at the web
Why Weed Free?
According to the National
Forest Service thousands of acres of public lands
nationwide are being
lost each day to invasive non-native weeds. Although
California does not
have a severe weed problem in its National Forests as
compared to the Rocky
Mountains or Pacific Northwest Region, the steady march
and invasion of Yellow
Star thistle is a good example of why a weed free
program is being undertaken
in California. By establishing a weed free
program plus other
recommendations and required policy for all public land
users -- not just
horsemen but hikers, bikers, off-road-vehicles, backpackers
and more -- what's
happened in other states and already on some California
public lands can be
avoided and eliminated.
What began as part
of the Sierra Nevada Framework for Conservation &
Collaboration for
only Sierra Nevada and Modoc Plateau forests has taken on
its own life and is
now a stand alone program pertaining to ALL California
National Forests.
Weed free is an Executive Order that applies to all federal
lands -- nationwide.
And beginning in the year 2003, all National Forest
Service (NFS), Bureau
of Land Management (BLM) and National Park Service
(NPS) lands in California
will require the use of certified Weed Free Feed
(Forage) when horse
camping, packing or staying on federal lands for periods
of time.
Weed free feed (or
forage as agencies refer to it) is baled hays, grasses,
alfalfa or any baled
combination plus straw and mulch. Cubes are not
considered weed free
unless they are processed from fields which have been
certified as weed
free. In other words, baled feed and cubes used not just in
National Forest Wilderness
Areas but on ALL National Forest, BLM and Park
Service lands has
to be certified weed free by a California County
Agricultural Commissioner.
When trail riding on NFS, BLM or NPS lands for any
length of time --
half an hour, two hours or all day -- these three agencies
are suggesting that
horses be "purged for 12 hours by the feeding of
California certified
weed free feed". Exempt from the Certification
requirements are sacked
pellets (which are felt to be weed free because of
the heat process they
go through) and grains (although there is still concern
about weed contents
on some sack labels).
It is anticipated
that once the three federal land agencies begin their weed
free policy requirements
in 2003, the California State Parks Department along
with various county,
local park and trail agencies will follow suit for weed
free feed.
To keep the equine
community (and others) informed on weed free requirements
that is accurate,
timely and up-to-date, (cross
referenced as
is being developed. By being informed,
horse owners will
still be able to ride, camp, pack and enjoy California
public lands from
the back of your favorite horse!!
At the December meeting
the final Board Members for the Quicksilver Year
2001 will be chosen.
We already know that Diane Enderle will guide us this
next year as president.
She will be assisted by vice-president Mike Maul.
New member, Jackie
Davidson will be keeping track of it all in her minutes
and Trilby Pederson
will handle our funds. They will be assisted by three
Board members to be
chosen at the December Meeting.
Each year Quicksilver
has an annual Awards Banquet. The location is Harry's
Hofbrau in San Jose
where the food just doesn't get much better. The date
will be Saturday,
February 10th. This special occasion, which is called a
banquet but actually
is quite informal, always has a high attendance and is a
time of good fellowship
for all. But to qualify for an award, you first MUST
fill in the sheet
on the back page of this edition of Quicksilver Quips and
send it to Maryben
by December 31st. Otherwise you will go home with
nothing but envy for
those who did send it in. Even if you rode or crewed
only a couple of rides,
you are probably eligible for a prize and I don't
think anyone has ever
gone home empty handed. Sending your records to
Maryben also insures
that your horse's and your mileage will be permanently
recorded in our Quicksilver
At the Banquet, Steve
Lenheim will pass out our Yearbook/Calendar which is
very popular as it
has pictures of most of the club members. BUT, once again,
if you are to be included
you must send your picture to Steve. (see pages 5
and 8).
A snapshot will do, it doesn't have to be a formal portrait. If
you can get your horse
in the picture with you, so much the better. If not,
your grandchildren's
pictures will do. Anything to give the calendar
interest and oomph.
New members are especially urged to send in their
Steve has to have them (more than one will do, also) by December
31st. Last year he
had lots of candid pictures in the back of the Calendar
which were fun. He
is always good about returning pictures to the rightful
owners after the Yearbook/Calendar
is published.
The Grand Finale of
the Banquet is the presentation of the Eleanor Norton
Award, Eleanor, the
daughter of one of the original members of our club, Virl
Norton, was lost at
age 17 in an automobile accident. She was much loved and
admired. This
award goes to the Quicksilver Endurance rider who exemplifies
the meaning of the
word “sportsmanship.” We also have the much sought after
Hall of Fame Awards.
If you know a Quicksilver person or a horse who you
feel have distinguished
themselves please write a note nominating them for
these awards. See
page 3 for the chairman of the committee that will do the
choosing. Your letter
of nomination should be directed to them. Last year
for the first time
we had a Horse of the Year Award given to a horse owned
or ridden by a current
QSER member separate from the Hall of Fame award.
Horse of the Year
shall demonstrate outstanding achievement in a single ride
season in one or more
of the following categories:
1. outstanding performance at high profile endurance rides
2. outstanding accumulative records of the year.
3. Multiple[ offspring of broodmare or stallion
4. Any horse able to overcome adverse conditions (orphaned, serious
illness or
injury not race related, etc. and able to begin or continue
an endurance career.)
And this year, for
the first time we will have a CREW PERSON OF THE YEAR
Award. So if
you did not ride, and just crewed, you still can be a winner.
Fill in your crew
miles on the ride report sheet on page 13.
Please help our club volunteers by sending in your ride
records as promptly
as possible.
NAME OF RIDER___________________________________________________________
NAME OF HORSE___________________________BREED_________________AGE_____
from 12/1/99 THROUGH 11/30/00
Please use a separate
sheet for each horse/rider combination. Extra sheets
are available from
Maryben (265-0839). Use the rest of this form and/or the
back to tell us anything
else you would like about you, your horse, crew,
family, grandchildren,
etc. All forms must be postmarked by December 31,
2000. Mail completed
forms to:
Stover. 1299 Sandra Drive, San Jose, CA 95125-3535
It's That Time Of Year!!!
membership fee is due by January 1, 2001
We need your name_________________________________________________
and then your address_______________________________________________
and your
phone number, Fax, email, whatever___________________
and then we need the names of other members of your family.
___________________________________ ________________________________
___________________________________ ________________________________
and last we need
your money! A single membership is $25_______
family membership is $35______
BUT if your dues
are postmarked before Jan. 1, 2001, you can deduct $5
from your membership
fee...just $20 single or $30 family.
How are our dues spent?
Annual Yearbook/Calendar; monthly Newsletter; a
representative voice
in horse politics locally; trail maintenance and
improvement projects;
and monthly meetings with frequent speakers. Plus, you
have the opportunity
to participate in poker rides, moonlight rides,
endurance rides, trail
projects, banquets, parties and saving the best for
last, you will meet
the best friends you will ever have!
If you have a
friend you would like to have receive one free copy of
Quicksilver Quips,
call 831-335-5933.
Send your
2001 dues, made out to Quicksilver Endurance Riders, Inc.,
to membership chairperson: Maryben Stover
1299 Sandra Drive
Jose, CA 95125-3535
May you and your horse
have a wonderful Year 2001 riding together as members
Published by the Quicksilver
Endurance Riders Inc.
P.O. Box 71, New Almaden,
CA 95042
Julie Suhr, Editor
TEL and FAX 831-335-5933